Welcome New members!
Thank you for your interest in our award-winning band program! We realize that you may have many questions at the start of your journey with us, and we hope to answer as many of your questions as we can on this page. If you still have questions after reviewing the information here, please feel free to email us at boosters@estrellabands.org, and we will try our best to help you.
We are proud of the program that we have built here at Estrella Foothills, and we look forward to welcoming you personally and getting to know you better.
Is Marching Band for Me?
Marching Band is rewarding and fun, and it provides a great way for incoming students to get to know the school and make friends. However, it also takes a lot of time and dedication, so it’s a good idea to get all the facts before deciding to join. Please review the information here to get a feel for what is involved.

Visit the MB Schedule page to get an understanding of the time commitment involved
Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page to see the answers to the most common questions
After viewing the schedule and FAQ, if you still have questions, please feel free to email us at andrew.glenn@buhsd.org, and we will try our best to answer your questions.
Once you determine that Marching Band is the right activity for you (and we hope it is!), follow the steps under “Getting Started” below to register.
Getting Started!
Sports Physical must be completed after March 1, 2023
Rankone Sport must be completed by
1st Day of School
You may start the registration process and add the additional “E-SIGNATURE” documents at a later date.
Students will not be able to participate in any Marching Band activities after August 1st without this completed
Create only ONE account per student
Main login should be the student's ID Number
Registration year = 2023-2024
Sport = Band
BUHSD Athletic Fee is paid directly to Estrella Foothills during Summer Registration in July
All additional Marching Band fees are paid directly to EFHS Music Club
For more information on the EFHS Activities Registration process, please contact Leti Pichardo (EFHS Activities Office) at leticia.pichardo@buhsd.org, (623) 629-1200
Register For Marching Band
This is separate from Rankone Sport paperwork. It gives us the band-specific information we need to place you in our program.
Click here to go to the Registration page.
Attend A New Member Help Session
Not required but strongly encouraged
Important Events for New Members
Brass and Woodwinds
Dates and Times
Find out what the Marching Band is all about!
Attending help sessions is not required, but is highly recommended
Musicians will learn key music exercises and very basic marching technique. For Color Guard – No experience is necessary!
Dates and Times
Thursday will act as a pre-season audition we can place people on their appropriate instrument
Audition Music can be found here
Color Guard
Dates and Times
Find out what the Marching Band is all about!
Attending help sessions is not required, but is highly recommended
For Color Guard – No experience is necessary!
What About Parents and Guardians?
We need your help, too! Our band program could not function without our volunteer organization, the Estrella Foothills Band Boosters (EFBB). Our volunteers help us transport our equipment (“Band Roadies”), alter and upkeep our concert and marching uniforms, raise funds, organize food and refreshments for our students, take photos and videos, and many other behind the scenes tasks that keep everything running smoothly.
Please visit our Parents Page to find out more about the EFBB and how you can help.