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  • What is the Program Called?
    We are The Pride of Estrella Foothills Music Program. This is to garner Student, Community, and School expectations and excitement for what students are partaking in. We are to be Prideful of what we do from walking into the room to our final production/performance.
  • What do we Believe?
    Professionalism Respect Integrity Determination Excellence
  • What is expected?
    1. A student will exhibit a professional attitude and behavior during performances and rehearsals. 2. A student will become an independent thinker and self-motivated worker while becoming a team player through directing and/or taking part in productive sectional rehearsals, and performing, whenever possible, without a conductor. 3. A student will become aware of his or her skill level on their instrument in relation to their potential. 4. A student will understand, appreciate and perform a wide variety of wind band or Choir literature. 5. A student will become aware of past and present band/Choir performers, ensembles, composers, and compositions. 6. A student will learn an amount of music theory that will help them to understand the overall structure of music. 7. A student will be encouraged to frequently listen to various styles of music. 8. A student will become aware of career or employment opportunities or college-major options available to them in the field of music. 9. A student will engage in performance tours or off-campus concerts whenever possible. 10. A student will be given the opportunity to perform in a solo or small ensemble setting. 11. A student will have the opportunity to be exposed to the teaching styles of other music educators. 12. A student will be responsible for helping to promote audience attendance at Band and Choir concerts.
  • What is the etiquette for attending concerts?
    We ask that you silence your cell phones, PDAs, and the like, and that you refrain from using flash photography during the performance. Please enter and exit the auditorium only during the applause breaks. As you probably already know, it is customary and considered good concert manners not to applaud between movements or sections of a piece, but rather to hold your appreciation until the completion of the entire artistic work. Solo performers will generally be recognized after the end of the piece.
  • What is the etiquette for football games?
    At football games, if you do not know where to sit, just look for the Black shirts. Not surprisingly, for HOME games, we sit on the HOME side. And for AWAY games, we sit on the AWAY side (visitors). We generally sit in the section next to the Band. Estrella Foothills performs the half-time show when at home, and the pre-game show when away. Boosters always stand when the EFHS band comes onto the field. We also stand for the opposing school band’s entrance to show respect for their hard work and dedication. During the games, whenever Estrella Foothills plays the Wolfpack Fight Song, we all stand up. You’ll recognize this song before long. Don’t worry if you don’t know the lyrics, you’ll learn them quickly. Band members are required to stay through the entire football game. At home games, they then march in parade formation to the band room. If you are providing the ride home, please allow time for this and to check in uniforms.
  • Do we need to pay to get into the football games?
    Yes. For adults, this is $5 for home games. Student prices are less (with ID), and away games differ depending on school.
  • Can we chat with our student in the stands during football games?
    We respectfully ask that you refrain from talking to the Band during the football games, as it can causes the bandmembers to lose focus. Band members already know this rule, and we ask you to honor it as well.
  • How are uniforms handled?
    Your band student is responsible for properly hanging the uniform after each performance. The uniforms are kept at Estrella Foothills at all times. Parent volunteers are needed after each game (home and away) to assist the students with hanging and storing away the uniforms. At some point during the marching season, students will be allowed to bring the uniforms home. You can get your own close-up photographs at that time. Of course, there is never any eating or drinking (except water) while in uniform.
  • What is the rating system for marching competitions?
    We participate in the Arizona Marching Band Association (AzMBA) which is a RANKED system. This means that each band is given a score out of 100 and then ranked from lowest to highest (1st). We also compete for different captions such as General Effect, High Music, High Visual, Auxilary (Guard), and Percussion.
  • How does my student get to and from shows?
    To perform in the marching show and concert festivals, the band member must travel with the band to the event. The students should preferably also return with the band. Marching band members turn in their uniforms at the band room upon arrival at EFHS. After concert festivals, the staff reviews the performance with the band members. If the rare situation arises where a student cannot return with the band, see this form, which must be completed and returned to band staff at least 24 hours in advance. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • What is a competition's cost?
    It typically is $8 General Admission, but some shows may have a lower ticket price for families, veteran, children, and students.
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